Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Vancouver, eh?

hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! yes, well - no good excuse why so long between blogs....well except that A LOT has been starting to happen but didn't want to let the cat outta the bag yet. (why, I've always wondered, is the cat IN the bag? who keeps a cat in a bag anyway?)

so a lotta changes from last blog. when last we blooged (No, not a mis-spelling...I'm making that the past tense of "blog"...the "oo" will refer to the blogg-er and the blogg-ee) So, when last we blooged:

Carson was out
Kyle didn't seem "hands on" enough
Tiger never showed
Roc was THE MAN....
with a little help from mr. new guy, Honda.

Well, as it turned out, Roc ended up not being available and as we were trying to track him down, I was getting more familiar with Honda and his work and funnily enough, I was starting to want him over Roc.

Don't get me wrong, Roc has an AMAZING track records with very impressive credits....and, he has produced some kick ass products....but, Honda "gets" me...he gets my songs, my influences, where i wanna go with this and he's got all the unjaded enthusiasm of a kid on the first day of school. He wants to show what he can do....he believes in me and this project, not to mention, his reel blew me away. Wow, this guy knows sound. One of the things I love about his work is his ability to place each sound in just the right spot so that nothing is sitting on top of anything else, yet also, there are no empty spots. It's clean and raw and real...exactly what I want.

We've (Mark really) been negotiating with him and his manager and as of yesterday, it looks like we are set to fly to Vancouver at the beginning of December. I'm gonna go cut a freakin' album!!! Yahoooo baby!

Which reminds me....hmmm....i'm gonna have to get a laptop before then....I've gotta keep you posted "in the process" - that's the best part!

Other than that, kids, I'm pluggin' away - still writing up a storm and rehearsing for our final full band show this year, NOVEMBER 4TH, 8:45pm AT MOLLY MALONES. ***If you are in town, come see!!!***

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